Efficient Notes 5.60

Efficient Notes 5.60

Cross-platform memo and notebook software that is powerful yet easy-to-use
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5.60.0 See all
Efficient Software
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Software Informer Editor Rating 5 Software Informer Virus Free award

Efficient Notes is a note-taking application with lots of interesting features. With a look that resembles Microsoft Office 2007, the application presents a simple, three-pane interface where you can store and organize your notes and access them easily.

The application stores your notes in a notebook or file with the extension *.enfx., allowing you to create as many as you need. You can create an unlimited number of notes as well and organize them into different groups and subgroups. To the right of the screen, the app displays all the notes contained a book in a tree-like fashion. To the left, it shows the content of the note selected, along with details such as title, creation date, etc. You can modify the way notes are displayed and customize the current view by choosing the fields that you want to see, view content briefing, etc.

When you create a new note, a window appears showing you several commands and formatting options. You will be able to cut/copy/paste text, select fonts, colors, insert tables, hypertext links, etc. Likewise, you can add attachments to your notes or links to files in your PC in case attachments are larger than 10 MB.

A very interesting feature is the desktop notes function. It lets you create post-it notes that will appear in your desktop to remind you of important events, tasks to do, calls to make, you name it. These notes can be edited to your liking, using different fonts and back colors.

Another powerful feature in the app is the search function. With general and advanced searches, it lets you search among your notes for a specific word or phrase by content or categories.

Extra features include the possibility of protecting your notes with a password, backup and restore notes, spellchecker, and the option of changing the interface style.

MR Senior editor
Mariel Rearte
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Review summary


  • Numerous useful features
  • Offers easy access to all notes created
  • Possibility of adding attachments
  • Post-It notes are a nice extra
  • Supports rich text
  • Password protection


  • No autosave feature


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